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  • Nope – no Pokemons here!

    18th July 2016

    Rumour has it we ‘had’ a Pokemon appear at the weekend – we would know if we have and we haven’t seen it – we looked everywhere!.

    As much as we want to be up with the latest trends and down with the kids, there are no Pokestops, no eggs and no gyms. We do have quite a few Roe deer, rabbits and birds, a tennis court, fountains and mysterious room with no access to it in the turret.

    Carlowrie is a family friendly ‘non-combat’ private estate. Terrestrial visits are by appointment only – we don’t want to disappoint or appear to be rude by refusing access – ‘…Go’ Away’ if you stroll up the drive un-announced – see what we did there! Our virtual viewings can be arranged by Skype and Facebook. Thank you


    3rd July 2016


    In celebration of Middle Sunday at Wimbledon – Game, Set and Match at Carlowrie! Off to find the Pimms.



    9th June 2016

    To celebrate our first anniversary we are opening the castle doors for individuals to stay in August… and… as a happy coincidence it coincides with the Edinburgh Festival.

    Fact… Edinburgh is busy in August and accommodation is hard to find – 1 festival (5 to 26 August), 7 double rooms, 1 suite with 2 bedrooms, 24 days availability. Technically we can rest 384 sleepy festival going heads – in luxury and in a castle – from £295 per double room throughout August!

    Whether you lean towards the avant-garde or mainstream, the classics or quite frankly the outrageous you are invited to stay with us. Rooms and Suites… from £295 per night inclusive of Scottish Breakfast and VAT.

    Email us and quote ‘FRINGE’ to reserve your room in the castle between 1 and 31 August 2016.


    9th June 2016

    Emma Howden is joining the team to look after our younger guests while Mum and Dad are playing tennis in the grounds or popping into Edinburgh for a night out. Emma spent 5 years in Paris, Australia and then London working as a Nanny before coming back to Scotland to undertake a Montessori education course. The children she looked after during her spell as a nanny were aged from babies to 12 years old. Her organisational skills, patience and sense of fun come in extremely useful when looking after children. Welcome Emma.


    8th June 2016

    A short post to share a glorious image from the Walled Garden taken by David the Castle’s Head Gardener. Beautiful delicate pale blue Meconopsis – and a cheeky Alium photo bombing in the background.

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