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Read the latest about what’s happening at Carlowrie Castle.

  • Cowlowrie. Welcome to the herd.

    4th October 2021

    We have some new members of the Carlowrie team arriving this month from Perthshire.

    Helping to keep the grass in the paddocks neat and tidy will be four new highland cows. We do of course have Florrie, our Highland cow sculpture, however these new beasts promise to be a lot more fun. We still need to find names for our cows and welcome any ideas –

  • Carlowrie Gardens development

    4th July 2021

    Behind everything at Carlowrie lies a story, our beautiful gardens are no exception. Tended by Isobel Wylie Hutchison throughout most of the 20th century, we are delighted to announce a programme of replanting and development.

    We plan to reintroduce many of the plant species brought back to Scotland by Isobel, and enhance all of the beds with seasonal herbs and  rotational flowering plants that will guarantee colour all year round. Butterfly and bee friendly beds should see plenty of activity in the warmer weather.

    Our team are working around each area and replanting for spring when we can all enjoy the outdoors again.


  • Carlowrie Stables conversion project started.

    15th March 2021

    We are very excited about our stables conversion project. The old stables building at the far end of the walled garden has planning permission to convert to 7 ensuite bedrooms each with their own access, meaning that we will have more accommodation for your guests to stay at the castle for your event.

    The project was delayed due to the pandemic, but work has started now and is due for completion in spring 2022. Please keep an eye on this space for more updates and images as we progress.

  • Secret Rooms for Stimulating Stories

    11th February 2021

    I’m sure you are aware of our famous former resident, Isobel Wylie Hutchison. Explorer, author, botanist and all round early 20th century Scottish legend. If not head to google and then come pay a visit to our latest room in the castle.

    We locked local artist Kelly Stewart in the turret room on the top floor for a couple of weeks at the start of the year. Kelly has been inspired by Isobel’s story and  produced the most beautiful 360 degree mural with snippets and tales of Isobel scattered around an arctic landscape.

    It’s the perfect space to relax, reflect and take some time out from the hustle and bustle. Isobel’s own thoughts, copies of her publications and items from her life at Carlowrie are on show. For us, it’s a wonderful link to our past and a tale that needs to be told to generations to come.

  • Water of Life

    15th December 2020

    Christmas posed an interesting question – What happens when you run out of whisky?

    You get more whisky of course.

    After the huge success of our initial Carlowrie Malt at the start of lockdown, we embarked on a strenuous research mission to find another, even more special drop of the amber nectar. After many late nights and much discussion (probably) our expert panel unanimously decided on a smooth and fruity Highland 12 year old. A quick trip back to the label design and a subtle tweak or two saw the bottling of our new baby, 12 year aged single Highland Malt.

    Guaranteed to warm the coldest of Scottish winter evenings and melt the hardest hearts, this is one to be enjoyed with kith and kin.

    For more details or orders, please contact us  . Now where’s the gin…?

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