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  • A Burst of Carlowrie Colour

    08th February 2024

    A warm welcome to Eranthis Hyemalis, otherwise known as Winter Aconite. A charming early Spring flower known for its small, bright yellow cup-shaped flowers and glossy green foliage. The first flowers to emerge in the Castle gardens after Winter are a welcome sight and the promise of the arrival of Spring.

    January and February is a time of reflection, goal setting and team training ensuring we are ready to tackle the year ahead. Our Garden Team plays a major part in this process. Winter is a crucial time for garden maintenance and preparation, even though plant growth may slow down or stop altogether, there is plenty to be done. From removing dead plant material and pruning to mulching, Winter sowing and companion planting, Alex and her team are always one step ahead and with one with goal in mind – ensuring every inch of the estate has the WOW factor for our Carlowrie Couples, Special Celebrations and Corporate Getaways.

    As we move swiftly into Spring the Castle grounds will see the arrival of Hellebores, Hamamelis and Orange Beauty providing an array of colour and elegance everywhere you look.

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