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  • Every Day is a School Day

    08th January 2024

    Because we are a little quieter in events certainly doesn’t mean things grind to a halt at Carlowrie. This is the time of year when we invest in the Castle through refurbishments and refreshments, our clients – who are all booked in for tastings and discussions and our greatest resource – our fabulous team.

    Over the past weeks we have been catching up with each member in all departments and putting together progression plans. Our team training has been both in small groups and all together. On fine tuning skills. It’s not all been hard work, with the cocktail and wine training proving especially popular.

    Last week the Isobel Award 2023 winners, Art in Healthcare, came out to run sessions which had us painting and creating in mixed groups. The initial misgivings of a few of the team were quickly dispelled and we all had an absolute blast – not to mention discovering hidden talents!

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